The focus is on you and your Medicare Options

Working with The Harrison Agency (a small, local agency) gives you a personal connection and relationship so we truly understand your needs.

We guide you through the ins and outs of Medicare to find what Medicare options will benefit you most.

or call 205-514-9568

The Harrison Agency is an independent agency licensed with all major Medicare companies in the state of Alabama and therefore able to guide you through the entire process of transitioning into Medicare.

Hi, I'm Pam Harrison, your local Medicare Advisor.

I call Mount Olive, Alabama home and serve Central Alabama and North Alabama and have been in the insurance industry for over 25 years.

Being an independent agent and licensed with various carriers, I can assist you with all Medicare options, assuring you are enrolled in the plan that best suits your personal needs.

Getting to know you and developing a personal relationship is a key part of what I do. We'll meet to get to know each other and find the best Medicare fit for you and your lifestyle.

or call 205-514-9568

I hold my Medicare Certification from America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) and am certified for Medicare Advantage plans with all major insurance companies in the state of Alabama.